Daily Tune
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Who Are Your Favorites?
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Nuggets for Leaders - Blogs I Read
There are several blogs that I follow that help me to be a better leader. I want to share some of them with you by linking to their blog and tell you why I read their blogs. These are in no specific order but again, I will tell you why I follow them.
David Santistevan - I follow and read David's blogs because he is a fellow worship leader and has great content on his blog that encourage me and help me be a better worship leader. @dsantistevan
Michael Hyatt - Michael is the former CEO of Thomas Nelson, a Christian book publishing company. He now speaks publicly and trains leadership on being better leaders. Also, from time to time he blogs about how to write a book. He just released his latest book Platform: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World. I follow Michael because he helps in the area of public speaking and understanding people. @MichaelHyatt
Church Marketing Sucks - I know, I know. Before you say something, this website is a great tool if you are involved in the "marketing" and promotions at a church. So many times we do things in the church as a way of marketing without any idea of who we are looking to reach "target audience" and we waste money without realizing it. @cmsucks
I have several other blogs that I follow that you can find on my home blog page on the right side of the page but here is the last one that I want to share with you.
Glenn Packiam - Glenn is a songwriter/teacher/preacher/author. He wrote popular songs as, "Your Name" and "My Savior Lives" has written 3 books and is currently campus pastor for New Life Downtown, an extension church of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. I find in my studies that I need to dig deeper and what Glenns blog (and books [specifically Secondhand Jesus] do helps me remember that there is a deeper purpose. @gpackiam
What blogs do you follow and why?
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Stay Awake
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Do Something!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Glorify God in All Things
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Skin Disease
Numbers 12:2 They said, "Does the Lord speak only through Moses? Does He not also speak through us?" And the Lord heard [it].
This verse is Miriam and Aaron speaking. Numbers 12 tells us of their envy toward Moses and Gods favor on him. Verse 10 tells us that Miriams skin becomes diseased and the Lord allows it to stay this way for several days there after.
The point of Numbers 12 is that because of Miriam and Aarons's envy toward Moses God punished them. I am thankful for His grace. There have been times where I have become envious of someone else's position, blessings or gifts. It reminds me that I should be thankful for the gifts he has given me and not seek to have the gifts of others. Job 1:21 says, ..."you give and take away, [but I will chose] blessed be your name." (my emphasis)
I will chose to bless the Lord for the gifts and abilities He has given me. I will chose not to look at others gifts and abilities and want them for myself. Here are a few reminders for today:
1. Psalm 67 tells us that the Lord will bless us when we praise Him.
2. Envy builds walls but love builds relationships - 1 Corinthians 13-1:8
3. Skin disease looks nasty!