Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Who Are Your Favorites?

James 2:2 My brothers, do not show favoritism as you hold on to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.

James wrote a reminder to not only to the Christians of his day but to us today. It is easy for the church to hold prejudice or partiality to one group or social economic type. This scripture goes further to say that the poor in this world will be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that He has promised to those who love Him?

As we build relationships with those around us we must look past our similarities with people to reach out to all. God has created everyone with a soul and we as ministers of the gospel must be diligent to care for the souls that he has sent us.  Sure their mess might be great and sure they might not look like we do but great is  the reward for reaching out to those that Christ would reach out to.  I love the book of James for the realness that James wrote with. I would summarize how we should live by verses 17 & 18 In the same way faith, if it doesn’t have works, is dead by itself. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith from my works. James showed his faith all the way to the end of his life as he was martyred for what he believed.

My prayer is that I can reach out to everyone and not just seek those similar to me. Those relationships can be built outside of the church but God has commanded through James for me to not show favoritism and reach out to the poor or less fortunate. I pray that my works will show my faith and not just speak of faith with no works to show for it.