Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In my last blog I mentioned that we had not been able to sell our house. I said that I knew that this was a faith walk for Rachael and I that I know God was going help us through. I am happy to say that we have sold our house in SVL and now live in Tryon, North Carolina. We were praying that through this transition that our boys would feel at home at our new house. Will has really adapted well and I feel that he has taken the move really well.

This Thanksgiving we have a lot to be thankful. We closed on our house this past Friday. We are now in a cute little place in a cozy little town, with a view of the mountains out the front door. There is a new level of worship I feel our church is rising to. I believe it is revelation that is changing the atmosphere at HPHC. Thus, another reason to be thankful…

The past few years have been tough for Rachael and I transitionally. Our relationship has been tested but has proven to be strong. We feel that this coming year 2009, is going to be our best ever. We have a plan that we pray will push us to another level as a family.

There is a song that has been resonating with me lately. We just recently learned it at HPHC and it really touched the congregation. You can check out the music video here. Also, to get an understanding to what the song is about check out the song story.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

I have been torn on what I wanted to post. I have decided to post something that has been on my mind since the downfall of our economy (in the past couple weeks).

Yesterday, I was in prayer about our service that we had last night and I ask God, "What can I say to build up the church even though we are facing the tough times that we are". The thought came to me quicker than any other thought he has ever given me. I felt him say, "Remind them about how faithful I am"! I thought that is just what I needed to hear. Not just for the church but for myself.

We have yet to sell our house. It has been on the market for 4 months. So for him to give me the word to reflect on how faithful he is was reassuring that he IS going to take care of us.

For the church, I know that the word was reassuring to hear knowing the gas prices high, stock prices WAY down and the housing market struggling.

The worship set that we sang last night was:
Forever (God is faithful)
How Great is Our God
Great is Thy Faithfulness

I referenced the scripture Lamentations 3:22-24
Because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness! I say: The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him. (NLT)

Monday, September 01, 2008

I know that it has been 5 months since my last posting. Here is an updated picture of the boys.

What a past 5 months it has been. I was let go from a job back in April. I searched for a couple months to try to find something locally and prayed for God to direct me where he wanted me to be.

Taking you back to my last blog I stated that I had been contemplating about how I was no where closer in my life with my career on where I wanted to be for the rest of my life.

Well God opened a door at a church in Hendersonville that I now minister at. We are having great services...I see that lives are being changed weekly and that I what it is all about. As the Hillsong song says, "Touching Heaven, Changing Earth"!!

It was a tough week last week. I had a lot going on at work and then I had to go to my 42 year old uncles funeral. I knew that it would hurt to see him gone but I didn't think that it would affect me that bad.

One of the ministers referred to the fact that he has sang his last song. And that we must continue to sing our songs whatever they might be. It just hit home with me on how important it is for me to be sure that I am singing a new song everytime that I minister.

I was reading a devotional a few nights ago that keeps reverberating in me. I shared in a meeting Thursday night and I thought I would include it in this blog.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. (MSG)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I have been contemplative lately with where I am in my life today compared to where I was 5 years ago. I just celebrated my 5 year anniversary with my wife and realized that the goals that I had set when we got married I am no closer than I was that day.
A few months ago a motivational speaker was invited to come to a meeting that I was attending and brought some things to my attention that has had me thinking.
How many days of our lives do we live for the sake of getting through our day without considering our goals? Sometimes I feel as though I have no control over over my life because I have not set any short term goals. So I challenge whoever is reading this to answer these two questions.
1. What can I do today to get me closer to the goals that I have set for my life?
2. What are short-term goals that I can set to get me closer to the big goals in my life?
This is homework for myself. I have been procrastinating but will now work on this.

Monday, April 21, 2008

So after some serious thought and consideration I will be starting a new job today. I will be a barista at Starbucks Coffee. It is only a part time job for now.
Rachael and I decided to bring her home back in December after she finished her nannying job that she had. We found that we would save money if we brought her home instead of putting Will and Seth in child care.
I still have my job for CGA selling print but will be picking up some evening hours to bring home some more $$.
This will most likely not help my addiction! Good thing is now I will be getting a discount.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I posted blogs here a couple years ago and decided that I needed to get back to it! Since I last posted my family has grown by one. Back when I started posting my son Will was a handful of weeks old. We now have another son Seth that is 7 weeks old and Will is now two and a half.

My wife Rachael and I feel that our family finally feels like a unit. Does that mean that we are done with kids? We're not sure but we are leaving the option out there for now. We are still in our mid-twenties and have many "productive" years to go.

My main reason for blogging again was for family and friends to hear what is going on in my life and in my head. I created the name for my blog Daily Tune because if you know me you understand how important music is to me. And whether good or bad there is always a daily tune that goes with my day.