Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Who Are Your Favorites?

James 2:2 My brothers, do not show favoritism as you hold on to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.

James wrote a reminder to not only to the Christians of his day but to us today. It is easy for the church to hold prejudice or partiality to one group or social economic type. This scripture goes further to say that the poor in this world will be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that He has promised to those who love Him?

As we build relationships with those around us we must look past our similarities with people to reach out to all. God has created everyone with a soul and we as ministers of the gospel must be diligent to care for the souls that he has sent us.  Sure their mess might be great and sure they might not look like we do but great is  the reward for reaching out to those that Christ would reach out to.  I love the book of James for the realness that James wrote with. I would summarize how we should live by verses 17 & 18 In the same way faith, if it doesn’t have works, is dead by itself. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith from my works. James showed his faith all the way to the end of his life as he was martyred for what he believed.

My prayer is that I can reach out to everyone and not just seek those similar to me. Those relationships can be built outside of the church but God has commanded through James for me to not show favoritism and reach out to the poor or less fortunate. I pray that my works will show my faith and not just speak of faith with no works to show for it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nuggets for Leaders - Blogs I Read

People ask me all the time what I am reading. Sometimes it is books and sometimes it is blogs. Most of the time it is a little of both. Reading books it is easy to say, "well that worked for them but couldn't work for me" or "not sure that would go over where I live/work". Blogs generally come out more compact and direct to the point which help make it applicable to where I am.

There are several blogs that I follow that help me to be a better leader. I want to share some of them with you by linking to their blog and tell you why I read their blogs. These are in no specific order but again, I will tell you why I follow them.

David Santistevan - I follow and read David's blogs because he is a fellow worship leader and has great content on his blog that encourage me and help me be a better worship leader.     @dsantistevan

Michael Hyatt - Michael is the former CEO of Thomas Nelson, a Christian book publishing company.  He now speaks publicly and trains leadership on being better leaders. Also, from time to time he blogs about how to write a book. He just released his latest book Platform: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World. I follow Michael because he helps in the area of public speaking and understanding people. @MichaelHyatt

Church Marketing Sucks - I know, I know. Before you say something, this website is a great tool if you are involved in the "marketing" and promotions at a church. So many times we do things in the church as a way of marketing without any idea of who we are looking to reach "target audience" and we waste money without realizing it.  @cmsucks

I have several other blogs that I follow that you can find on my home blog page on the right side of the page but here is the last one that I want to share with you.

Glenn Packiam - Glenn is a songwriter/teacher/preacher/author. He wrote popular songs as, "Your Name" and "My Savior Lives" has written 3 books and is currently campus pastor for New Life Downtown, an extension church of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. I find in my studies that I need to dig deeper and what Glenns blog (and books [specifically Secondhand Jesus] do helps me remember that there is a deeper purpose. @gpackiam

What blogs do you follow and why?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stay Awake

Matthew 26:41  All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

This is a scripture from the prayer in the garden. This was Jesus speaking to the disciples. He was asking their help in prayer that he would have strength as He knew that the time was coming for His crucifixion. In verse 38 he says,“My soul is swallowed up in sorrow—to the point of death." He was hurting and needed the prayers of those around Him that he would be able to endure the temptation of running away from the inevitable. 

From conversations of recent, this scripture is a reminder to anyone that is tempted in sin. We must "stay awake" that we do not let our guard down and sin at a weak point. I love the Amplified version which elaborates by saying, "give strict attention, be cautious and active". We must be actively be guarding our eye gate and ear gate that we can protect not only ourselves but those around us. Because just as verse 41 stated, our spirit is willing to do right but our flesh does get weak.

Pray today that you can stay active in guarding your flesh. Pray to be an example to those around you being cautious and actively guarding the things that you am around. Ask for the right thing to say to those that struggle in the area of temptations.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Do Something!

2 Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing(spiritually dying).

This scripture was Paul to the Corinthians to push them out of their boxes and reach out to those who were perishing (spiritually). He also says that God has shown mercy by allowing ministry to take place. He encourages the people to not deceive or distort God's word but to teach the truth.

I am convicted in reading this scripture. Too many times I encourage and teach the church body but lack in the area of encouraging and teaching those who are perishing. It is easy to sit back and expect or depend on others to share the gospel with their circle of influence but I must get outside of my circle to find those that are willing to listen and help them find the gospel for themselves.

Lord, help me to get outside of my comfort zone and my circle and help influence others who are perishing. I want to build Your Kingdom one life at a time and I pray that you will help me in doing so. Give me the words to speak Your life into people and open their hearts to receive your promises. Thank you for your mercy that allows me to do what I do even in my imperfections and help me that when I share the truth to not deceive or distort just as Paul spoke to the Corinthians.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Glorify God in All Things

1 Corinthians 6:20 ...for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.

When we read this scripture immediately our minds go to the idea that we must watch what we eat. And while that is in part what this scripture is saying the other part that I think is sometimes missed is that we must glorify God in our body by caring for our spiritual man.  

Like anything else we must be continuously working to care for our physical man and our spiritual man. It is hard for unsaved people to look at the church and God's messengers and want to receive from them when they do not care for themselves physically or they present a spiritual body through their words that has been regurgitated for years without any concern to the person they are ministering to or the delivery of what they are saying.

I want to continue to care for my body that I am able to present a healthy vessel worthy of carrying the presence of God. Also, I want to continue to grow in my understanding of God and his purpose for my life. I want to be able to be all things to all people as Paul mentions later in 1 Corinthians that I can relate and and be around unbelievers and help them understand God on their level so that He can come in and do work in their lives.

Lord, help me to care for myself physically and spiritually first of all for your glory but also as a representative of yours. I want to be a Godly example for my family, friends and those that I minister to. Continue to convict me when there are places of my life that I have not fully surrendered to you.

So what is the Lord speaking to you today that you can do to better present yourself to Him and those around You?

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The more important an action, the more likely we put it off. The trivia we do quickly.Start NOW in faith, trusting God! - Rick Warren

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Skin Disease

Numbers 12:2 They said, "Does the Lord speak only through Moses? Does He not also speak through us?" And the Lord heard [it].

This verse is Miriam and Aaron speaking. Numbers 12 tells us of their envy toward Moses and Gods favor on him. Verse 10 tells us that Miriams skin becomes diseased and the Lord allows it to stay this way for several days there after.

The point of Numbers 12 is that because of Miriam and Aarons's envy toward Moses God punished them. I am thankful for His grace. There have been times where I have become envious of someone else's position, blessings or gifts. It reminds me that I should be thankful for the gifts he has given me and not seek to have the gifts of others. Job 1:21 says, ..."you give and take away, [but I will chose] blessed be your name." (my emphasis)

I will chose to bless the Lord for the gifts and abilities He has given me. I will chose not to look at others gifts and abilities and want them for myself. Here are a few reminders for today:

1. Psalm 67 tells us that the Lord will bless us when we praise Him.

2. Envy builds walls but love builds relationships - 1 Corinthians 13-1:8

3. Skin disease looks nasty!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Be Patient and Wait for the Lord

Psalm 27:4 I have asked one thing from the Lord; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the Lord and seeking [Him] in His temple.

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and courageous. Wait for the Lord.

Psalm 27 is written by David and is a request for God to hear him and care for him. David understood that if he was in the presence of God that God would meet his every need.

Impatience is something that I am working on in myself. More and more technology is being created to find solutions on the spot. I upgrade as quickly as I can so that get where I need to get as quickly as I can get there.

Fast Food

Fast Delivery

Fast Coffee

Fast Customer Service

Fast Support

Fast Meetings

Fast Information

It does not work that way with God. It is like any other relationship. You cannot microwave a relationship and expect it to last long It takes time to form and develop. David reminds me of this in Psalm 27. He ends chapter 27 repeating the important message to "Wait for the Lord." Too many times I have rushed into decisions or into meetings without seeking the Lord first.

God help me to practice patience more in my life. Help me to make Psalm 27 a part of who I am that I can wait on your best instead of just my good. Let my desire be to dwell with you as much as possible.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Getting Water in the Desert

Luke 5:16. Yet He often withdrew to deserted places and prayed.

Even being the Son of God Jesus understood the importance of getting away from the noise to spend time with God. Many times we find that Jesus went away from everyone and everything so He could completely focus on God.

It is important today that we get away from the noise of life to find the source of life. We say we give God control of our lives, then we let our lives control us. One of our goals (or resolutions) should always be to get away from the noise - get away from everyday distractions and talk to God. Not only talk to Him but meditate and wait for him to speak. For me I do not just want to make good decisions, I want to make spirit-led decisions.

Snowballs and Goats

Gen 27:20 But Isaac said to his son, "How did you ever find it so quickly, my son?" He replied, "Because the Lord your God worked it out for me."

This is the story of Isaac's family and the meal that he asked Esau to prepare for him. A meal for Isaac to bless him. We find that Jacob finds out from his mother that this blessing is about to take place (vs. 6) and he searches out goats then he prepares a meal for Isaac first. Then as the story is told Isaac blesses Jacob because of deception (vs. 23).

I see here one lie turns into another lie and another lie and it begins to snowball. First, Jacob lies about who he is then further lies to say that God has worked it out for him to find the meal for his father. This can be a reminder to us to be sure that our intentions and actions are pure and holy. Later we find that it catches up with Jacob and he is deceived by Rachel's father. I sum it up with this if there is something you want pursue it wholeheartedly and do not deceive lie or steal to get it. Work hard. Otherwise it could come back to bite you or it will take you twice as long to get.

Lord, help me to keep my motives pure and holy. Help me to do things out of my love for you and not for the sake of man or to seek approval of others. Help me to share this truth with others that they can make the honorable and right decision as well.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Plant the Seed

Luke 4:30 But He passed right through the crowd and went on His way.

While Jesus was in Nazareth he read the scroll written by the Prophet Isaiah. During his time there he began to tell the people truths about about history and the people did not like it. He was driven out of town for what he was speaking then they were about to push Him off of a cliff but then we find verse 30 when he passes through them and goes somewhere else to speak the truth.

The truth is not always popular. The truth is not always the thing everyone want to hear. But just as it is written in Luke 4. We must speak the truth and be on our way. In other words, plant a seed but move on and plant the next one. If the farmer stands and waits to see the one seed grow he will not have time to plant the rest of his crop and will not produce a great harvest. People might not always want to hear the good news of Christ but it must be shared and instead of debating and arguing we must know what we believe, plant the seed and be on our way.

Lord, help me to know the right seed to plant and when to plant it. Help me know to belabor Your word but be willing to plant the seed and move on. This year help me to be more bold in my faith to share it with others. Help me to speak the truth with out exaggeration or manipulation.