Gen 27:20 But Isaac said to his son, "How did you ever find it so quickly, my son?" He replied, "Because the Lord your God worked it out for me."

This is the story of Isaac's family and the meal that he asked Esau to prepare for him. A meal for Isaac to bless him. We find that Jacob finds out from his mother that this blessing is about to take place (vs. 6) and he searches out goats then he prepares a meal for Isaac first. Then as the story is told Isaac blesses Jacob because of deception (vs. 23).
I see here one lie turns into another lie and another lie and it begins to snowball. First, Jacob lies about who he is then further lies to say that God has worked it out for him to find the meal for his father. This can be a reminder to us to be sure that our intentions and actions are pure and holy. Later we find that it catches up with Jacob and he is deceived by Rachel's father. I sum it up with this if there is something you want pursue it wholeheartedly and do not deceive lie or steal to get it. Work hard. Otherwise it could come back to bite you or it will take you twice as long to get.
Lord, help me to keep my motives pure and holy. Help me to do things out of my love for you and not for the sake of man or to seek approval of others. Help me to share this truth with others that they can make the honorable and right decision as well.
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