Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nuggets for Leaders - Blogs I Read

People ask me all the time what I am reading. Sometimes it is books and sometimes it is blogs. Most of the time it is a little of both. Reading books it is easy to say, "well that worked for them but couldn't work for me" or "not sure that would go over where I live/work". Blogs generally come out more compact and direct to the point which help make it applicable to where I am.

There are several blogs that I follow that help me to be a better leader. I want to share some of them with you by linking to their blog and tell you why I read their blogs. These are in no specific order but again, I will tell you why I follow them.

David Santistevan - I follow and read David's blogs because he is a fellow worship leader and has great content on his blog that encourage me and help me be a better worship leader.     @dsantistevan

Michael Hyatt - Michael is the former CEO of Thomas Nelson, a Christian book publishing company.  He now speaks publicly and trains leadership on being better leaders. Also, from time to time he blogs about how to write a book. He just released his latest book Platform: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World. I follow Michael because he helps in the area of public speaking and understanding people. @MichaelHyatt

Church Marketing Sucks - I know, I know. Before you say something, this website is a great tool if you are involved in the "marketing" and promotions at a church. So many times we do things in the church as a way of marketing without any idea of who we are looking to reach "target audience" and we waste money without realizing it.  @cmsucks

I have several other blogs that I follow that you can find on my home blog page on the right side of the page but here is the last one that I want to share with you.

Glenn Packiam - Glenn is a songwriter/teacher/preacher/author. He wrote popular songs as, "Your Name" and "My Savior Lives" has written 3 books and is currently campus pastor for New Life Downtown, an extension church of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. I find in my studies that I need to dig deeper and what Glenns blog (and books [specifically Secondhand Jesus] do helps me remember that there is a deeper purpose. @gpackiam

What blogs do you follow and why?

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